Spare parts for cars better than originals?

The substitutes are not only well-suited to branded cars, but also of comparable quality and lower price. Which spare parts should be used?

Don’t worry about losing the warranty or the quality of substitutes if you meet the following requirements. Since 2010, you do not need to have your car serviced under ASC warranty. All you need to do is replace parts or perform periodic inspection at a car workshop that follows the manufacturer’s procedures. The mechanic must perform the service with recommendations and record the activities performed in the service book or vehicle card.

After the warranty expires, also use substitutes and follow the procedures recommended by the ASC, but perform repairs using high-quality spare parts. If you don’t know which substitutes to choose and why, here are some tips.

Who produces high quality spare parts?

One of the most recognized companies producing spare parts all over the world is the Birth brand. Established in 1975 in Italy, the company currently distributes its substitutes to 65 countries on 5 continents. Its offer includes parts for most cars. It sells 7.5 million parts annually.

Such large distribution is possible thanks to its own production plants with an area of 60,000 m2. In the manufacturer’s online catalogue you can find engine, steering and suspension components – Birth’s specialty is suspension, especially wishbones.

Why Birth?

Części Birth mają identyczną jakość co OE (oryginalne), produkowane są przy użyciu tych samych technologii, czasem na tych samych liniach produkcyjnych. Mogą być używane w różnych serwisach podczas napraw i przeglądów gwarancyjnych, a co więcej, są średnio 15- 35% w porównaniu do OE.

An example of such a price difference are the Birth wishbones for the 2012 Opel Corsa D. One wishbone for the right front costs PLN 880. The substitute costs PLN 360. Is PLN 520 a really big saving?

Not only promises, but also quality

Manufacturers ensure that their substitutes are high-quality ones. However, few can prove this. Birth class wishbones have been tested and, according to the results, their mileage is similar to the originals and originally installed parts.

The average lifespan of the original part in the tests is estimated at 250,000. km. Lower-class substitutes sometimes caused problems during installation. The Birth substitute was a perfect match to the original suspension and after 180,000 km was still functional.

A good producer is an ecological producer

Every brand, especially an automotive one, should care about the natural environment. Birth’s goals are quality, affordable price and care for clean air. How?

The roof of the warehouse producing car components is covered with 840 photovoltaic panels. It produces an average of 215,000 kWh per year. This enabled Birth to reduce its CO2 emissions by 115 tonnes, thereby reducing its carbon footprint.

Where to find Birth parts?

First of all, you can benefit from the brand’s offer regardless of whether you are the owner of a car workshop or an ordinary consumer. You don’t have to run a business to purchase a part for your car yourself.

The distributor of Birth parts – the official representative in Poland is Motores. If you want to take advantage of the offer, call or visit the online store website and order the substitute you are interested in.

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